Public webinar: What is critical and what is hidden in the time of COVID-19?
Questions of what or who is critical to managing the COVID-19 pandemic have been at the heart of media discussion, public recognition and government policy on a global scale. Such concerns – of what constitutes critical workers, material resources, public services and community responses – are being addressed and prioritised at local and national levels in different ways, even as collective anxieties over the COVID-19 pandemic vie for attention with other social, economic or political crises in given places. In this context, it becomes important to consider what is hidden or unseen amid a global pandemic, of how individuals, communities and other key workers are excluded from ‘frontline’ imaginings of crisis and pandemic.
Drawing on research expertise and insights from Australia, Papua New Guinea, Brazil, India and Indonesia, this Critical Issues panel event will explore these issues, asking what is both critical and hidden in the time of COVID-19.
When: Thursday, 4 November from 5:30pm to 7:00pm AEDT
Where: Online (Zoom link will be sent by email following registration)
Registration: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/what-is-critical-and-what-is-hidden-in-the-time-of-covid-19-tickets-189989623077
Enquires: Jenny Li, zhen.li@unimelb.edu.au
- Tamara Kohn, Professor of Anthropology, University of Melbourne
- Monica Minnegal, Associate Professor of Anthropology, University of Melbourne
- Jeff Garmany, Senior Lecturer in Latin American Studies, University of Melbourne
- Rachael Diprose, Senior Lecturer in Indonesian Studies, University of Melbourne
- Amanda Gilbertson, Senior Research Fellow in Anthropology, University of Melbourne
- Paul Green, Senior Lecturer in Anthropology, University of Melbourne