Art, Death & Disposal exhibition (12-16 Jan)
How might disposal of the deceased be designed in the 21st century? Imagining beyond burial and cremation – in a world of rapid social, technological and environmental change – seven artists respond to this question, presenting moving and provocative new work.
- Catherine Bell https://suttongallery.com.au/artists/catherine-bell/
- Chantelle Mitchell and Jaxon Waterhouse https://ecologicalgyretheory.com/
- Eric Jong https://www.ericjong.com.au/
- Farnaz Dadfar https://farnazdadfar.com/
- Georgia Banks https://www.georgiabanks.info/
- Laura Woodward https://www.laurawoodward.com.au/
In collaboration with DeathTech Research Team, University of Melbourne
The exhibition is part of ongoing research on the future of disposal after death, and encourages visitors’ responses to, and participation in, artworks.
Opening: 12 January, 6–8pm
Exhibition dates: 13–16 January, 3–8pm
Meat Market Stables, 2 Wreckyn Street, North Melbourne
Curated by Elizabeth Hallam, University of Oxford, with the DeathTech Research Team, University of Melbourne.
Supported by Australian Research Council grants DP18010314 and LP180100757.
Photo credit: Laura Woodward, How do we hold these things together? (detail), 2021, image by the artist.