Posted under News

  1. Crypt-flation: the rising costs of graves and mausoleums in Melbourne | Victoria | The Guardian

    Melburnians planning to bury a loved one in the city’s cemeteries are facing steep price hikes, with some grand memorial options surging up to 400% over …

  2. Cemetery technology provides new ways of memorialising the dead, but there are calls for caution

    When Emma McGregor’s brother died 22 years ago, his death was sudden and unexpected. “We had old photo albums of Matthew and we would look through …

  3. Augmented cemetery tours and smart graves – ABC Radio National

    A woman uses an augmented reality app on her phone to take part in a historical walking tour of Fawkner Memorial Park in Melbourne's northern suburbs. (Adrian Vittorio)

    Dr Fraser Allison spoke to ABC Radio National’s Life Matters program about the proliferation of digital technology at cemeteries. The episode covered augmented reality tours, in-coffin …

  4. Welcome to DeathTech: navigating the business of death online – ABC Radio National

    Dr Bjørn Nansen appeared on ABC Radio National’s Life Matters program on 24th May to discuss the online services that aim to support people in dealing …

  5. Life Matters: Who are funerals for?

    DeathTech member, Dr Hannah Gould, spoke with the Radio National Life Matters team about the changing nature of funerals in Australia, and what happens when conflicts …

  6. Redesigning Deathcare Conference 2022 – accepting submissions

    The inaugural Redesigning Deathcare Conference will hosted by the University of Melbourne on 27–29 October 2022, with in-person and online presentations. We are now inviting expressions …

  7. Interview with Catherine Bell on Art, Death & Disposal – Faculty of Arts

    Catherine Bell artwork

    Catherine Bell spoke with Sarah Hall of the Faculty of Arts about her work for the Art, Death & Disposal exhibition (curated by DeathTech), her visions …

  8. We need to rethink how we manage death-care – Pursuit

    Overhead view of a cemetery. Getty Images.

    Death is a phenomenon like no other. It touches all dimensions of human experience, as a biological process and as an event of profound cultural, spiritual, …

  9. Art, Death & Disposal exhibition (12-16 Jan)

    Art, Death and Disposal exhibition. Opens 12 January 6pm-8pm. Continues 13-16 January 3pm-8pm. Meat Market Stables, North Melbourne.

    How might disposal of the deceased be designed in the 21st century? Imagining beyond burial and cremation – in a world of rapid social, technological and …

  10. Results of The Future Cemetery Survey 2021 [Report]

    The DeathTech Research Team is pleased to present the results of the Future Cemetery Survey 2021. Based on a nationally representative sample taken during the COVID-19 …

Number of posts found: 47